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Interaction, Participation, Networking: Art and TelecommunicationInke Arns
The following description concentrates less on media-oriented or technical conceptions of interactivity than on those projects conducted from the 1960s onward that highlighted the idea of social, gregarious interaction. These communication projects and processes, in whose course specific forms of interaction and concepts of interactivity developed, involved media- or computer-mediated human-to-human interaction aiming at the interconnection and cooperation of participants separated by vast physical distances. Today, the presented forms of art and interaction-from the closed-circuit work to interactive media-art installations to open processes-exist as parallel possibilities. [more]
Reception, participation, interaction–from receptive to active participation
From the «open work» in happening and Fluxus (1960s) to the conditioned spectator (1970s)
Interactive media art in the 1980s and 1990s
Telematics and telepresence
Electronic space as «communications sculpture»
Satellite projects
Social networking, participation
Context-based systems, communication platforms and digital cities
Collective and collaborative authoring in telecommunications projects
From the «large» analog media of the late 1980s to the «small» digital media of the 1990s: Spatial and network interconnections
Open source, open text, open theory: Open and participatory (co-)writing projects on the WWW
Participation and interaction in a telematic culture