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»Swipe Bar«
»Swipe Bar« ist eine partizipative wie unterhaltsame Arbeit unter Einsatz der leicht zugänglichen Strichcode- und Chipinformation, wie sie in den verschiedenen persönlichen Karten implementiert ist, mit denen wir unsere Identität nachweisen. Die Gruppe bezieht sich kritisch wie ironisch auf die Sammelmentalität der US-amerikanischen Behörden, soviel Daten wie möglich über individuelles Nutzerverhalten zu sammeln.
Statements from the Web site:
«Swipe is a nomadic and technologically empowered bar that serves up a lot more than just wine and spirits.
Swipe Bar is an American concept. We are taking advantage of the latest data collection technologies available to us and applying sophisticated analytical tools to build our revenue and guarantee your security.
Swipe is using state-of-the-art equipment developed in cooperation with the American Assoication of Motor Vehicle Administrators to read any information encoded in the magnetic stripe or barcode of a driver's license.
We can use our equipment to read other cards too, like credit cards, health insurance cards, shopper loyalty cards and university IDs.
With one quick swipe or scan, our machine verifies that a customer's ID meets the minimum age requirement for alcohol and tobacco products and that the information on the front of the card has not been altered.
This helps us maintain a safe and legal environment. With 100% confidence we can say, «Only those we want drinking at our bar will be!»