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1. icon: author Gregor Stemmrich «Art and Cinematography»
as for example in the films of Kenneth Anger and of Andy Warhol or in a different way the films of John Baldessari and of Robert Smithson (for this see contributions by Diedrich Diederichsen, «TITLE,» John Miller «TITLE» and Tom Holert, [more]more
2. icon: author Tom Holert «Deserts of the Political - Michelangelo Antonioni, Robert Smithson and Michael Snow»
which presents an entire catalogue of ways to move and orient oneself in the desert, «Spiral Jetty», a film by Robert Smithson, is also structured like an anthology. Here, the New York artist finds a new way to modulate the relation between de- and [more]more
3. icon: author Tom Holert «Deserts of the Political - Michelangelo Antonioni, Robert Smithson and Michael Snow»
to the test, taken to their limits, but never rejected. Disintegrated world Using his theoretical and artistic instruments, Robert Smithson creates desertlike conditions, where the frailty of any goal-oriented political deed is evident. Smithson s politics are the [more]more