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Doug Aitken «Electric Earth» | Metallic Sleep, Electric Earth
Doug Aitken, «Electric Earth», 1999
Metallic Sleep, Electric Earth | Videostill | © Doug Aitken

E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology »Experiments in Art and Technology - Dokumente«| Robert Rauschenberg »Soundings«

 Doug Aitken

b 1968 in Redondo Beach, California (USA); 1986–1987 studied at Marymount College, Palos Verdes, CA; 1987–1991 studied at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA. Aitken lives and works in Los Angeles (USA). Aitken belongs to a generation of artist that enriched the presentation of the medium of video. Operating in a realm between popular culture and media art, his works reveal a wealth of audiovisual intensities and suggestive powers, and with complex imagery and associations consistently approach philosophical questions addressing nature and civilization as well as people and their relationship to time and space. Obsessed with the idea of present time, Aitken refers to his films and installations as being pure communication. In the process, he utilizes the vocabulary of Hollywood and advertising films. Alongside his freelance activities as artist and photographer, Doug Aitken is also known for his video clips, completed for artists such as Iggy Pop and Fatboy Slim.