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Walter Ruttmann «Weekend» | score for «Weekend»
Walter Ruttmann, «Weekend», 1930
score for «Weekend» | ©

Walter Ruttmann «Weekend» | score for «Weekend»Walter Ruttmann «Weekend» | play audioWalter Ruttmann «Weekend» | play audio

Categories: radio

Keywords: Time | Narration | Montage

Source text:

Ruttmann, Walter «Weekend»

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 Walter Ruttmann

At great technical expense, Walter Ruttmann collects sound recordings of a weekend in Berlin: from finishing work on Saturday to starting the next week on Monday morning. Lasting a good eleven minutes, the piece alternates between narration and sound pattern. With his ear for the narrative as well as the visual, Ruttmann works on a kind of audio-art. His formulations can also designate structure on the basis of musical points of departure such as pitch and rhythm (see the reproduction of his notation for a speech sequence). But the characteristic style of «Weekend» is thoroughly narrative-related. Tone coloring, rhythm, and pitch merely customize the storytelling.


Golo Föllmer