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Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water – 3» | Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water», 1966
Robert Whitman, «Two Holes of Water – 3», 1966
Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water», 1966 | Photography | ©

Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water – 3» | Two Holes of Water - 3Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water – 3» | Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water», 1966Robert Whitman «Two Holes of Water – 3» | Robert Whitman »Two Holes of Water - 3«

Categories: Theatre

Keywords: Intermedia | Object


 Robert Whitman
«Two Holes of Water – 3»

In Robert Whitman's «Two Holes of Water – 3» seven cars, carrying film and television projectors, drove onto the Armory floor and parked facing the back wall which was covered with white paper. On the balcony, television cameras shot performers Trisha Brown and Mimi Stark moving slowly in front of a curved mirror; and another shot Jackie Leavitt typing. On the Armory floor another camera shot Susanna di Maria pouring water and Les Levine ued a small fiber optic video camera inside his coat pocket Whitman fed the images of these live performances and off-air television images to the television projectors in the cars. He also cued the drivers to turn on nature films and films he had made himself, including a film that superimposed the back and front of a girl as she performed simple movements. Ken Dewey, high up in the winch hoist projected films onto a white screen on the floor. Contact microphones on the tailpipe of a car and on the typewriter and a Bertrand Russell speech were some of the sounds resounding through the Armory.


Robert Whitman