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Sabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – Sound Warp
Sabine Schäfer, «TopoPhonicZones», 1992
TopoPhonicZones – Sound Warp | © Sabine Schäfer
'Sound Warp' structures the room into 3 levels (A-C). The respective listener perspective strongly influences his perception of the overall sound and of individual layers of sound. Hens Breet's video installation 'Fruits of Columbus' plays with the same spatial ambivalence: from the distance, the projection, a magical flimmering; close up, a pile of potatoes in aluminum foil, reflecting in a moving monitor light.

Sabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones»Sabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – LOSTSabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – Sound WarpSabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – Sound WarpSabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones»Sabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – Lines BetweenSabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones» | TopoPhonicZones – Lines BetweenSabine Schäfer «TopoPhonicZones»

Categories: Sound

Keywords: Light | Space


 Sabine Schäfer

The ‘TopoPhonicZones' project emerged from the ‘TopoPhonien' sound project developed by the artist and Sukandar Kartadinata (system design) between 1990 and 1992. The real movements of sound through space, which lend a three-dimensional reality to the acoustic activity, are the special feature of these installations. In ‘TopoPhonicZones', specific atmospheres are produced by the linkage of Sabine Schäfer's sound installations with the light stagings and objects made by Hens Breet (USA) and Werner Cee (D). Due to the physically based systematics present both in the acoustic and visual motional sequences, it is possible to associate the latter with natural motional phenomena that build up a concrete associational space despite the abstract genealogy.


Sabine Schäfer