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Lutz Dammbeck «The Net» | Heinz von Foerster explains «What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's  Brain»
Lutz Dammbeck, «The Net», 2004
Heinz von Foerster explains «What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain» | Courtesy: Heinz von Foerster Archiv Wien | Photography | © Lutz Dammbeck


 Lutz Dammbeck
«The Net»

This is a film about the cultural tendencies of the last 50 years;
tendencies determined by the development and introduction of the
computer and thus by USA think tanks, but also by dreams of the range
and boundlessness of progress, and of as yet inconceivable
possibilities for life – a film about contradictions spurring each
other on; contradictions with explosive force; contradictions seldom
voiced, let alone visualised.
Changes in science and in mentality often interlock in a way that
proves hard to disentangle. Is there a direct route to the One World
where everything appears ordered with a glacial clarity?

Helmut Kohlenberger