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Patricia Piccinini «The Mutant  Genome Project» | Exhibition display
Patricia Piccinini, «The Mutant Genome Project», 1994 – 1995
Exhibition display | © Patricia Piccinini

Patricia Piccinini «The Mutant  Genome Project» | Exhibition displayPatricia Piccinini «The Mutant  Genome Project» | ScreenshotPatricia Piccinini «The Mutant  Genome Project» | Visual concept

Categories: Photography

Keywords: Body | Cyborg

Works by Patricia Piccinini:

Protein Lattice


 Patricia Piccinini
«The Mutant Genome Project»

«The Mutant Genome Project» (TMGP) is a series of computer-generated photographs and new media installations that explore issues relating to genetic engineering and ‹consumer medicine.› Recurring throughout the TMGP work is «LUMP» (Lifeform with Unevolved Mutant Properties) which is presented as the world's first commercially available ‹designer baby.› LUMP is the human form completely redesigned by an engineer and an ad agency; physiognomically efficient and marketably cute.

Source: Patricia Piccinini (