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Vito Acconci «Step Piece»
Vito Acconci, «Step Piece», 1970
Courtesy: Acconci Studio | © Vito Acconci
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Vito Acconci «Step Piece»Vito Acconci «Step Piece»Vito Acconci «Step Piece»Vito Acconci «Step Piece»Vito Acconci «Step Piece»Vito Acconci «Step Piece»

 Vito Acconci
«Step Piece»

In «Step Piece» Acconci stepped on and off a stool in his apartment every morning at the rate of thirty steps a minute, continuing the effort for as long as possible; the results of his «daily improvement» were distributed to the art public in the form of monthly progress reports.

(Source: Kate Linker, Vito Acconci, Rizzoli, New York, 1994, p. 24.)