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Wolf Kahlen «S.C.H.A.F.E.»
Wolf Kahlen, «S.C.H.A.F.E.», 1975
© Wolf Kahlen

Wolf Kahlen «S.C.H.A.F.E.»Wolf Kahlen «S.C.H.A.F.E.» | play video
Berlin | Germany | 40'

 Wolf Kahlen

This installation for a row of 6 monitors simultaneously shows the interplay of processes connected with bringing sheep into a formation composing the single letters S.C.H.A.F.E. – the German word for sheep – and the subsequent dissolution of the legible word. The concerted volume of the animals’ ‘baahs’ and the commentators’ voiceovers are likewise part of the content of this work no. XII from the series titled ‘Angleichungen’ (‘Matchings’).