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Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»
Marina Abramovic, «Rhythm 5», 1974
Photograph: Nebojsa Cankovic | ©

Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»Marina Abramovic «Rhythm 5»

Categories: Action

Keywords: Body

Works by Marina Abramovic:

Art must be beautiful| Rhythm 10

Belgrade | Yugoslavia | 90'

Ascott, Roy; Foresta, Don; Sherman, Tom; Trini, Tomaso; Mattei, Maria Grazia; Adrian X, Robert «Planetary Network»

 Marina Abramovic
«Rhythm 5»

I construct a five-pointed star (made of wood and wood chips soaked in 100 litres of petrol). I set fire to the star. I walk around it. I cut my hair and throw the clumps into each point of the star. I cut my toe-nails and throw the clippings into each point of the star. I walk into the star and lie down on the empty surface. Lying down, I fail to notice that the flames have used up all the oxygen. I lose consciousness. The viewers do not notice, because I am supine. When a flame touches my leg and I still show no reaction, two viewers come into the star and carry me out of it. I am confronted with my physical limitations, the performance is cut short. Afterwards I wonder how I can use my body – conscious and otherwise – without disrupting the performance.


Marina Abramovic