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Wolf Kahlen «Noli me videre»
Wolf Kahlen, «Noli me videre», 1976
Photograph: Wolf Kahlen/Zygmut Rytka | © Wolf Kahlen

Wolf Kahlen «Noli me videre»Wolf Kahlen «Noli me videre»
Lublin | Poland | 20'

 Wolf Kahlen
«Noli me videre»

Video performance given for the opening of the international ‘Offerta 76’ exhibition in Lublin, Poland, on 8 December 1976. It involves a closed-circuit situation which video-monitors the physical/mental isolation of the artist in a door-less space with 3-metre high walls. The audience was able to climb up onto platforms and look down over the walls of the cube into its interior. Nobody could manipulate the camera, which was mounted out of reach on the ceiling above the cube. Attempts to escape the surveillance system were futile. 20-minute videotape, as well as 16mm film shot by D. Baginski.