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Else Gabriel «Media Tower»
Else Gabriel, «Media Tower», 1988
© Else Gabriel


Categories: Installation

Keywords: Concept | Simulation


 Else Gabriel
«Media Tower»

Concurrently with the first Beuys exhibition in the GDR, a group calling themselves ‘Autoperforationsartisten' – Brendel, Görß und Gabriel – for ten days locked themselves into the workshop-gallery ‘EIGEN + ART' in Leipzig (27 March to 7 April 1988) and carried out an action-art project titled ‘Allez! Arrest'. They were not concerned with making a symbolic gesture for an invited audience of gallery visitors (who were permitted entry for two hours daily in order to exchange food for art), but with ‘relentlessly incorporating one's own persona (O. Nicolai). Else Gabriel's ‘media tower', one of the products of ‘Allez! Arrest', was made up of a wrecked refrigerator, tube radio, infrared light, mini suction apparatus, music amplifier, and a diverse range of other utensils.