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Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»
Lutz Dammbeck, «Media Collage Hercules», 1983 – 1986
Photograph: Barbara Berhold-Metselaar | © Lutz Dammbeck
In 1982, the Leipzig painter and filmmaker Lutz Dammbeck began working on his 'Hercules' projekt. The script for an experimental film was submitted to the Dresdener Studio für Trickfilm (Dresden Cartoon Studio) and unalterably rejected in [more]more

Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»Lutz Dammbeck «Media Collage Hercules»

 Lutz Dammbeck
«Media Collage Hercules»

In 1982, the Leipzig painter and filmmaker Lutz Dammbeck began working on his 'Hercules' projekt. The script for an experimental film was submitted to the Dresdener Studio für Trickfilm (Dresden Cartoon Studio) and unalterably rejected in 1984. Dammbeck conceived several new versions as room installations. The 'Hercules Media Collage' combined performance art, painting, dance (Fine Kwiatkowski), film ('La Sarraz'), and photography; and it developed an allegory for his generation's desire for sensual experience: the 'willful child' from Grimm's fairy tale displaces the historical hero, whom Dammbeck cites in the image of the ancient Hercules and an Arno Breker sculpture. This complexly pulls into the present the broken relationship the German's have to their undigested past.

The performance was staged a. o. in Dessau (Bauhaus), Coswig, Ost-Berlin in former GDR.