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Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake»
Rolf Julius, «Concert for a Frozen Lake», 1982
© Rolf Julius

Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake»Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake»Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake»Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake»

Categories: Public Space

Keywords: Geography | Music


 Rolf Julius
«Concert for a Frozen Lake»

'Concert for a Frozen Lake' and 'Music for a Yellow Room ' – Rolf Julius integrates acoustic and visual coordinates in his installative, synaesthetic concepts. Far removed from elaborate electronics, he works with simple things and sounds of everyday life, an aesthetic and acoustic minimalism with the simplest use of cassettes and loudspeakers, effecting a concentrated perception: 'Several loudspeakers play the music for a frozen lake. I hope that the lake itself becomes music.' (Rolf Julius) The police broke off the concert with a piano composition prematurely for alleged disturbance of the peace.


Rudolf Frieling