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John Baldessari «I will not make any more boring Art»
John Baldessari, «I will not make any more boring Art», 1971
Photography | © John Baldessari

United States | Super-8-film

 John Baldessari
«I will not make any more boring Art»

In 1971, Baldessari was commissioned by the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Canada to create an original, on-site work. Unable to make the journey himself, he suggested that the students voluntarily write the phrase «I will not make any more boring art» on the gallery walls. Inspired by the work's completion—the students covered the walls with the phrase—Baldessari committed his own version of the piece to videotape. Like an errant schoolboy, he dutifully writes, «I will not make any more boring art» over and over again in a notebook for the duration of the tape. In an ironic disjunction of form and content, Baldessari's methodical, repetitive exercise deliberately contradicts the point of the lesson—to refrain from creating ‹boring› art.

Electronic Arts Intermix, online catalogue