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Tony Oursler «Hello?»

Tony Oursler «Hello?»
92*71*51 cm (W*H*D) | 1 projector, 1 video tape, 1 video player, tripod, doll, footlocker | Participants: Tracey Leipold (Performance) | Archive / Collection: ZKM, Karlsruhe | 1-channel-videoinstallation

Douglas Gordon «10ms-1»

 Tony Oursler

In his video installation «Hello?» Tony Oursler, using a small-format projector on a tripod, projects an image into the depths of a heavy wooden box. Because a piercing voice calls out from the box, the viewer instinctively leans over. Like one of Beckett’s characters, this character, too, makes an effort to express its existence in words—it implores, screams, curses, and whispers. But instead of the semantic fragments of words appealing to the viewer’s understanding, the uniquely expressive register of the voice does so. The articulation of the words is emphasized by the mime-like qualities of the speaker’s face trapped inside the box.