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Chantal Akerman «From the other side»
Chantal Akerman, «From the other side», 2002
Videostill | © Chantal Akerman


Categories: Installation

Works by Chantal Akerman:

Hotel Monterey| La Chambre 1| News from Home

France | 99' | Director: Chantal Akerman | Sound: Pierre Mertens | Edition / Production: AMIP, Carre-Noir RTBF, Chemah I.S., Paradise Films, SBS Television, Yleisradio (YLS), arte France Cinema | video installation

 Chantal Akerman
«From the other side»

«From the Other Side» presents video recordings from the border region between USA and Mexico, between the wealthy North and the impoverished South. Though the artist-filmmaker observes from the viewpoint of «the other side,» she takes no clear stand for either one. She spatially layers the video material in several, parallel rows of monitors, whose 18 screens and 2 projections create a complex simultaneity from the documentary material. Yet the tight rows of monitors allow for neither an overall view nor the distance to observe the whole.