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Robert Lippok «Field Recordings»
Robert Lippok, «Field Recordings», 2003
Photography | © Galerie Wohnmaschine; Robert Lippok

Germany | sound installation

 Robert Lippok
«Field Recordings»

In his new work “field recordings” Robert Lippok combines digitally changed sounds from everyday-life with colored wall paintings. These paintings, which could also be described as large fields of color, are based on photographs the artist made at exactly those places where he recorded the sounds, for example at an old shooting range in Odessa (Ukraine). Lippok reduced the motifs of these pictures to those very few lines, which allow orientation in space and transferred the remaining forms onto the wall plane. In combination with the sound the visitor is enabled to imagine all sorts of places – without virtual reality.

(Source: Galerie Wohnmaschine)