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Christian Nold «Community Edit» | Screenshot Web site
Christian Nold, «Community Edit»
Screenshot Web site | © Christian Nold

Christian Nold «Community Edit» | DiagramChristian Nold «Community Edit» | Screenshot Web site

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Nold, Christian «Community Edit»

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United States

 Christian Nold
«Community Edit»

Distributed video editing system: «Design a system that uses Broadband but is NOT television and NOT a Web site but which allows a community to produce its own media.»

«This project envisages a new technical model for how grassroots films could be created and distributed.
Instead of only focusing on the problems of distribution like the V2V project, this system envisages a radically distributed network of content providers and editors.
Community Edit allows video content to be editing by all members of the community in a recursive fashion generating a «Community Edit.»
The project uses a client / server model. The client part of Community Edit client is available for download as a fully functional stand alone demo.

Christian Nold