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Botschaft e.V. «Botschaft e.V.» | real '92
Botschaft e.V., «Botschaft e.V.», 1990 – 1996
real '92
Botschaft e.V.'s ‘richtig '92' was concerned with the notion of the ‘document', addressing areas in which such criteria as ‘real' or ‘unreal', ‘right' or ‘wrong', ‘true' or ‘untrue' do not apply. Consisting of a series of events (among them, ‘History Museum' and ‘Fishing for Documents'), ‘richtig '92' examined documents as depictions and reflections of reality and explored their function in the visual arts, film and electronic media. The overall aim was to develop strategies with which to combat the ‘disappearance of reality' in the new media. For ‘Fishing for Documents' the following video artists and film-makers were invited to take part in a series of seminars: R. Karmakar (D), J. Bashore (USA), H. Rag (D), J. Salloum & W. Ra'ad (USA/Libanon), H. Baethe (D) and S. Silver (USA).

Botschaft e.V. «Botschaft e.V.»Botschaft e.V. «Botschaft e.V.» | DromomaniaBotschaft e.V. «Botschaft e.V.» | real '92

Categories: Context

Keywords: Geography | East/West

Berlin | Germany

 Botschaft e.V.
«Botschaft e.V.»

In May 1990 a group of 13 people working on an interdisciplinary basis united to form Botschaft e.V. in Berlin. Their location in the eastern part of the city and the vacuums created by the fall of the Wall formed an essential part of their activities. In the summer of 1990 the group occupied rooms in the WMF building and, from 1991, worked at Kronenstrasse 3 in the city's Mitte district. Here, they opened the Friseur Club in 1992, confronting a bar-type clientele with various events devoted to specific topics. The constitution of the members varied from project to project, the group always functioning both as a pool of information and as a forum for work and discussion. Botschaft's projects included ‘Dromomania' (1990), ‘richtig '92' (1992), ‘IG Farben: Performance einer Aktie' (Performance of a Share; November 1993) and ‘Berlin/NY/Beirut' (1995-96).