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Christian Marclay «Berlin Mix»
»Berlin Mix« (Auschnitt), Veranstaltung & Aufnahme: Freunde Guter Musik Berlin 1993

Christian Marclay «Berlin Mix»Christian Marclay «Berlin Mix»Christian Marclay «Berlin Mix»

Categories: Sound

Keywords: Group | Concept | Montage | Music

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Berlin | Germany | interactive sound performance

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 Christian Marclay
«Berlin Mix»

«Berlin Mix» was a simultaneous concert featuring over 180 musicians: string orchestra, Funk group, barrel-organ player, choirs, accordion orchestra, Hip Hop DJs, Klezmer duo, opera singers, samba bands, string quartets, wind band, Rock band, ethnic ensembles, various soloists and many others. It was staged in the hall of the former tram-shed in the Berlin district of Moabit. As conductor, Marclay signalled from the podium with sheets of cardboard to indicate when members of the motley crew of musicians should start and stop performing. They all played their characteristic repertoire. As the piece shifts the DJ 1:1 mix technique back into a live situation, Marclay called the musical genre it established «Live-Mix.»


Golo Föllmer