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Peter Weibel «Observation of the Observation: Uncertainty» | Installation view
Peter Weibel, «Observation of the Observation: Uncertainty», 1973
Installation view | Photograph: Yvonne Mohr | © Peter Weibel
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Reconstruction from 2001 in the context of the exhibition ctrl[space], ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Wolf Vostell «TV Burying»

 Peter Weibel
«Observation of the Observation: Uncertainty»

The cameras and monitors are juxtaposed in such a way that the viewers are unable to see themselves from the front, no matter how much they twist and turn. The self-observers see different parts of their bodies, but never their faces. Shut inside a room, every point in the room is the observer’s jailer, perspective of their deathly fate.
This installation is part of the video sculpture «Kruzifikation der Identität» («Crucifixion of the Identity»), for both works have to do with crosses.


Peter Weibel