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Christian Nold
«Community Edit»

Christian Nold
«Community Edit»

The project has two parts. The server side is purely conceptual, while the client part has been mocked up in Macromedia Director and is functional enough to demonstrate the interface interaction and workflow.

1 Members of a community upload DV footage of a particular event to a server.

2 The server analyses the time code in the rushes and places the footage into a temporal matrix.

3 The client software allows the members of a community to view this footage chronologically and create their own video-edit.

4The user can see an event from six simultaneous but separate viewpoints. An edit-in point is made just by moving the cursor over one of the video clips.

5 Clicking the mouse on any of the video windows toggles backwards and forwards between the playback and edit modes

6 Each individual edit is stored and loaded back into the temporal matrix where it can be reedited in a recursive fashion.

7 As more members of the community use the system a rough edit is produced. This communal edit becomes finer and finer with each user.

8 This subsequently results in a «Community Edit» which can be output as a film at full DV quality from the server.

(Source: Christian Nold,

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