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Otto Rössler
«Endophysics – Physics from Within»

Endophysics – Physics from Within


»[...] A new science, Endophysics, is introduced. Only if one is outside of a nontrivial universe is a complete description of the latter possibleas when you have it in your computer, for example. The laws that apply when you are an inside part are in general different (endophysics is different from exophysics). Gödel’s proof is the first example, in mathematics. In physics, it is desirable to have explicit observers included in the model world. Brain models are a case in point. Macroscopic brain models, however, are non-explicit in general. Therefore, an explicit microscopic universe is introduced in terms of a formally one-dimensional Hammiltonian, in which »formal brains« can arise as explicit dissipative structures in the sense of Prigogine. The pertinent endophysics is still largely unknown.«

Quelle: Otto E. Rössler, «Endophysik – Physik von innen,» in: Die Welt von Innen—Endo und Nano. Ars Electronica, Linz 1992, S. 49–50.