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Yvonne Volkart
Born 1963 in Zurich (CH); studies of German Literature, Psychology and Art History in Zurich and Vienna (A). Freelance writer and curator as well as lecturer on media and art theory at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Aarau and Zurich. Various teaching positions, publications and lectures on the topics of the body, new technologies and media art. 2004 PhD »Fließend und flexibel: Cyborgs in der Medienkunst als Verkörperungen des Technokapitalismus« at the University of Oldenburg. 2002–2004 curator for «Media Art Net» as head of the project on «Cyborg Bodies» at the HGKZ Zurich/Institute Cultural Studies (ICS); exhibition projects: 2000 «Widerspenstige Praktiken im Zeitalter von Bio- und Informationstechnologien,» Shedhalle Zurich and «Tenacity. Cultural Practices in the Age of Bio- and Information Technologies,» Swiss Institute, New York (USA); 2001 »Konnektive Identitäten«, Internet- and CD-ROMsection of the exhibition «Double Life. Identität und Transformation in zeitgenössischer Kunst,» Generali Foundation, Vienna; «Body as Byte. Der Körper als Informationsstrom,» Kunstmuseum Luzern; lives and works in Zurich.
 MediaTexts in
1. Yvonne Volkart «Cyborg Bodies. The End of the Progressive Body.» 

Cyborg Bodies

2. Yvonne Volkart «Monstrous Bodies: The Disarranged Gender Body as an Arena for Monstrous Subject Relations» 

Cyborg Bodies

3. Yvonne Volkart «Unruly Bodies. The Effect Body As a Place of Resistance» 

Cyborg Bodies

Source texts
1. Yvonne Volkart «Das Fließen der Körper: Weiblichkeit als Metapher des Zukünftigen»