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1. icon: author Barbara John «The Sounding Image. About the relationship between art and music—an art-historical retrospective view»
fine art there were extraordinarily interested in music, like for example Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Schlemmer, (1888-1943) and László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946). Paul Klee (1879- 1940) also repeatedly included motifs from music in his drawings and water-colours. He [more]more
2. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Sound & Vision in Avantgarde & Mainstream »
is now called media art. The first medium they tried out was film. The pioneers include , Dziga Vertov, Man Ray, Hans Richter, László Moholy-Nagy, Viking Eggeling, and as the first, but until today the least known: Walter Ruttmann. Like most of these artists he started as [more]more
3. icon: author Diedrich Diederichsen «Montage / Sampling / Morphing. On the Triassic of Aesthetics / Techniques / Politics»
presentation of their documentary photographs in books, in general with the relation between photography and context. [4] With László Moholy-Nagy, for instance, the photomontage appears as a process of constructivist design in a variety of different contexts (Bauhaus as [more]more
4. icon: author Diedrich Diederichsen «Montage / Sampling / Morphing. On the Triassic of Aesthetics / Techniques / Politics»
the process, illusionism is not a problem. Rather one of the aims of the montage should be—as for instance in designs by Moholy-Nagy—to perfect the illusion—not in the sense of an intentional fraud of course, but as the augmentation of the wealth of [more]more