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Tamás Waliczky «The Garden»
Tamás Waliczky, «The Garden» 21st Century Amateur Film, 1992
Screenshot | © Tamás Waliczky

4' 27" | Used hardware: 486 PC, Vision 16 board, SGI VGX, VideoLab, Sony LVR 6000 Laserdisc Used software: Custom softwares, AMAP software | Concept: Tamás Waliczky, Anna Szepesi | Director: Tamás Waliczky | Photograph: György Pálos | Music: written by Tibor Szemzö, performed by Éva Posvanecz | Participants: Annamária Waliczky | Software: Imre Kováts, Zoltán Császár, Pierre Dinouard, Thomas Krol | Schnitt: Directed and animated: Tamás Waliczky | Edition / Production: Distributors: Tamás Waliczky, Anna Szepesi, Wallada Bioscop Ltd.

 Tamás Waliczky

*1959 in Budapest, Hungary; artistic work in painting, animation and computer animation films; 1993-97 staff member at ZKM Institut für Bildmedien (Institute for Image Media), Karlsruhe; since 1997, Guest Professor at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste (College of Visual Arts) in Saarbrucken; since 2003 professor at the Fachhochschule Mainz (University of Applied Sciences). Since 1981 colaboration with Anna Szepesi; lives and works in Germany and Hungary.