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Paul Pfeiffer «Perspective Study (after Jeremy Bentham)»
Paul Pfeiffer, «Perspective Study (after Jeremy Bentham)», 1998

121,9*139,7*121,9 cm (W*H*D) | Holz, Glas, Kunststoffbäume, Zelt, Überwachungskamera, Projektor

 Paul Pfeiffer

*1966 in Honolulu, Hawai (USA); childhood in the Philippines; 1990 move to New York; 1997-98 Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program; 1994 MFA, Hunter College, New York City; 1987 BFA, San Francisco Art Institute. Pfeiffer’s work in video, sculpture, and photography uses recent computer technologies to dissect the role that mass media plays in shaping consciousness. Several sculptures include eerie, computer-generated recreations of props from Hollywood thrillers, such as «Poltergeist,» and miniature dioramas of sets from films that include «The Exorcist» and «The Amityville Horror.»