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Philipp Lachenmann «Space Surrogate I (Dubai)» | Space_Surrogate I (dark room projection)
Philipp Lachenmann, «Space Surrogate I (Dubai)», 2000
Space_Surrogate I (dark room projection) | © Philipp Lachenmann

Germany | 31' 30" | Screen Format 16:9 | Concept: Philipp Lachenmann | Edition / Production: Philipp Lachenmann; Patrick Zanoli (Special FX); Marcel Odenbach, Werner Dütsch, Matthias Neuenhofer (Support)

 Philipp Lachenmann

born 1963 in Munich; studies in Art History and Philosophy at the university of Munich and film at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen in Munich. DAAD grant for New York 1995–1998. 1999–2002 postgraduate studies at the Media Art Academy in Cologne (KHM) with Valie Export, Jürgen Klauke and Marcel Odenbach. Lives in Berlin.