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I/O/D «WebStalker» | Webstalker
I/O/D, «WebStalker», 1998
Webstalker | © I/O/D


Relevant passages:

icon: authorRudolf Frieling «The Archive, the Media, the Map and the Text»| icon: authorJosephine Bosma «Constructing Media Spaces»

Works by I/O/D:


Great Britain


I/O/D (Matthew Fuller, Colin Green, Simon Pope) is an artists group based in London. Starting in 1994 they have published an irregular series of disk-sized issues. Initially
starting out as a multimedia publication made in collaboration with artists, writers and people in music their work took a sceptical and exploratory view of the conventions of interface. This interest has developed in time to the production of ‹speculative software› including «I/O/D4: The Web Stalker». All of their work and various
related texts are available to download free at their website.