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Grünbein, Durs; Via Lewandowsky «The Artist's Brain»
Grünbein, Durs; Via Lewandowsky, «The Artist's Brain», 1998
© Grünbein, Durs; Via Lewandowsky


Works by Grünbein, Durs; Via Lewandowsky:

The Artist's Brain


 Grünbein, Durs; Via Lewandowsky

Durs Grünbein
born 1962 in Dresden (GDR); briefly studied Theater at the Humboldt Universität, East Berlin (GDR); author of poems, prose, essays; has lived in Berlin since 1986.

Volker Via Lewandowsky
born 1963 in Dresden (GDR); studied Scenography in Dresden; member of the artists group «Auto-Perforation Artists»; work in the areas of film, painting, and graphic arts; lives and works in Berlin and New York.