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George Legrady «Pockets Full of Memories» | Installation view
George Legrady, «Pockets Full of Memories», 2001
Installation view | © George Legrady
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DEAF03 Exhibition, «From Wunderkammer to metadata,» Feb 26, 2003 – Mar 09, 2003, V2 Rotterdam.


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Works by George Legrady:

Equivalents II| Pockets Full of Memories

United States | Software: Projekttriangle, Stuttgart (design, visual identity) | Hardware: C3 Center for Culture and Communication, Budapest (touchscreen data collection, hardware and software) | Programming: Timo Honkela: Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki (Kohonen self-organizing neural-net algorithm); Andreas Schlegel (visualization programming) | Edition / Production: Co-Produktion: The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, Montréal; Centre Georges Pompidou; Office of Research, UC Santa Barbara

 George Legrady

George Legrady was born in Budapest in 1950, immigrated to Montreal, Québec during the 1956 Hungarian uprising, moved to California in 1981 and currently has dual Canadian-American citizenship. He studied classical music during his elementary schooling at Mont-Jesus-Marie in the French Canadian school system. He transferred to Marymount High in 1963, and from 1965 until 1969 was active as a rock and roll keyboard musician. He also worked at numerous jobs during this time including construction, and factory work and for a while, was a card carrying member of both the United Steelworkers' and the Musicians' Unions. In July 1969, he witnessed the NASA landing on the moon while working as an underground miner for INCO in Thompson, Manitoba, in the Canadian sub-arctic.
