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(e.) Twin Gabriel «Universal Deserters»
(e.) Twin Gabriel, «Universal Deserters», 1991 – 1994
© (e.) Twin Gabriel


Blank & Jeron »Dump Your Trash!«

 (e.) Twin Gabriel

»Else« Gabriel
* 1962 in Halberstadt; studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden (GDR).

Ullf Wrede
* 1968 in Potsdam.

Since 1991 (e.) Twin Gabriel, artists' name for the collaboration of E(lse) and U(llf); live and work in Berlin, Hamburg, London. Else Gabriel became known, in the mid 1980s, within the art circuits of the GDR through the collaborative actions with Michael Brendel, Volker (Via) Lewandowsky and Rainer Görß. In provocative performances of the so-called «Auto-Perforations-Artisten» they exhibited on stage their own body, its vulnerability and elementary condition.
Since then, the artist, together with her partner Ullf Wrede, continues to work on the basic idea, the contradiction between scientific and artistic statements, sketches and expectations as well as their own incapacity to reflect artistically on the limitations of the body and its physiological disturbances. In this way, everyday life, family and gender roles, biological processes and questions of perception and visual communication in a media society continue to form the focus of their artistic research.