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Simon Biggs «Alchemy»
Simon Biggs, «Alchemy» An Installation, 1990
© Simon Biggs

Great Britain | Concept: Biggs, Simon | Participants: Vos, Jochem; Andre [Technical Assistance] | Software: Interactive Hardware, Software development SCAN/Academie Minerva | Schnitt: Centre for Advanced Studies in Computer Aided Art and Design, Middlesex Polytechnic, London, England [Graphics and Animation Mastering] | Edition / Production: Supported by Spaceward Microsytems, Cambridge, England and the Islington | interactive video installation

 Simon Biggs

Born in 1957 Adelaide, Australia, Simon Biggs has been working as an artist since 1976. He began using computers to make images in 1978, developing graphics-dedicated computer system in 1979, and began to produce computer animations in 1980. Since 1983, Biggs has focused on computer-based interactive installation, animation, CD-ROMs, the World Wide Web and related media.
He has lived and worked in London, UK, since 1986.